More Than Forgiven – Timothy Morton


A Study of The Eight Major Doctrines Which Define New Testament Salvation



A Study of The Eight Major Doctrines Which Define New Testament Salvation.

This book is a study of a set of eight expanded outlines intended to help a born again Christian better understand his salvation. Many Christians neglect to study the doctrines that define New Testament salvation and miss the rich blessings that understanding them brings. Salvation has many different aspects; no single term or principle can adequately define it. To show believers the extent of what they have in Christ, the Holy Spirit put no less than eight separate doctrines in the Bible to explain New Testament salvation.

  • Regeneration
  • Adoption
  • Justification
  • Imputation
  • Sanctification
  • Reconciliation
  • Propitiation
  • Redemption

Once a believer has a grasp of these precious truths he will have assurance in his salvation that is not possible otherwise.

There is no need to order this title; the links to the ebooks are below. If it is ordered, the same links will be given.